These keys are only for this scenario & are published publicly on the Microsoft Website. 1 Sign in to vote Hi, Office2013 activation is currently separate (its the preview only, but RTM KMS pack is due in a few days) Office2010 activation is likely to remain separate from Office2013 activation. KMS Client Setup Key (GVLK) Office 2013 Professional Plus.

(Note: The url in the command above begins with kay-emm-ess-zero-one.) Type the following command: cscript slmgr.vbs /ato and press Enter. The default KMS keys used for volume licensing editions of Office 2013 are shown here: KMS Client Setup Keys.

The following product keys can be entered into the product key field in your office application when your computer is joined to a Active Directory with a valid working KMS server. Type the following command: cscript slmgr.vbs /skms and press Enter. Start by the execution file: Please download the file Office2013KMS.bat and save it to your desktop, right click the program and choose Run as administrator.