Step by step.Īnd the most important thing is, try using basic shapes, such as cube and cylinders to start out, and try to make symmetrical things, as this will helps you understand more about how Blender works. Throughout this process, you will face a lot of difficulties, and you will have to ask for your friends, developers help.there are also a lot of forums on google that might solve your problem. Main thing I learnt 3D modelling is to keep trying out new things, from basic wooden sword to maybe a wooden table, low poly tree, then a low poly gun, then low poly food. Or you will be extremely confused afterwards. Learn through every single basic modifiers, shapes first. So the next tip is, start modelling from low poly meshes first, do not rush through immediately towards the high poly objects if you are a beginner. Remember to listen to every single part of their explanation, so you wouldn’t miss out any forms of hotkeys etc. ( Blender 2.9 Beginner Tutorial Series - YouTube) There are also a heck lot of tutorials on his channels to watch if you have finished his basic tutorial. ( Blender 2.8 (old) Beginner Donut Tutorial Series - YouTube)

But if you are willing to spend time watching tutorials on YouTube. For beginners, Blender might be quite a challenge as there are so so many hot keys to remember. To my personal view, Blender is the best choice (Cinema 3D is also a choice but it is really really expensive, which I’m pretty sure young and new developer on roblox cannot afford it) as Blender is free. So you might ask, what 3D modelling software is the best? `Recently I saw that there is a lot of new developers who is trying to start their journey in 3D modelling, therefore I decided to give some educational tips to you guys, as I knew the pain when I was a beginner.